Who We Are

The AIRM was begun with a broader vision and wanted to provide an organization that encouraged the motorcycle rides & social events. At our core The Ministry Bike Riding Club is a fraternal organization. It is a brotherhood that respects and honors those who have served this great country both at home and abroad.

The AIRM was officially chartered and recognized as non-profit organization. The AIRM now has chapters throughout India, with increasing interest in all the untouched regions as well.

Since the beginning of the AIRM each new chapter has been required to adopt a local charitable organization that supports first responders or veterans. Each chapter then conducts fundraising events to support the adopted organization annually. In addition to fundraising, the AIRM participates in a number of events that support our veterans across India



We are intensely proud Indians who believe in the principles that this country was founded upon and the rule of law. The AIRM participates in hosting fund raising events for charity, club destination rides to special events or locations, charity rides that benefit or support our service branches or worthy causes, parades, funeral escorts, member-only social events and competitions, and more. The two founding members of the AIRM were former members of some other club but there was dictatorship in that group, so they decided a new club was needed to fill the void, and The Ministry Bike Riders Club was begun.

Wearing our Logo Color is a rite of passage, a journey that includes earning the respect of our members and the community at large. All Members of the AIRM are expected to maintain the highest standards of character and integrity as they represent the Club in everything they do. This is at the heart of what that AIRM sewn into our vests stands for.


The AIRM is a group of intensely patriotic Indians that share a love of country, motorcycles, camaraderie, and public service.

We must maintain the highest standards of conduct. Our Members are held to account for their actions, and we actively strive to hold the trust and respect of our communities. Participation in any organization that recruits or maintains members who endorse or promote criminal activity is prohibited by our Laws.

What does the AIRM do?

Foremost the AIRM is about the love of riding motorcycles. But unlike solo riding, being part of the AIRM means enjoying that ride experience with the same brotherhood and camaraderie.


Any Indian citizen who believes in the aims and objectives of the group can become its member. Each member shall pay stipulated annual membership fee to be decided by members, which may vary from time after a decision by concerned departments and with the governing authority & all the admins consent.

Duration of Membership:

The member ceases to be a member:

  • If he/she dies or becomes of unsound mind or resigns from the club.
  • If a member fails to attend 6 consecutive rides other than exceptional reasons.
  • If a member fails to pay membership fee for any year within stipulated time given.
  • In case of non-payment of the annual subscription fee, such member shall have no right to attend any ride or activity arranged by AIRM.

Mendate Things - Membership Guidelines

  • 1. Medical condition of individual to drive bike
  • 2. He/she is not dependent on any type of drugs/alcohol
  • 3. His/her family supports his/her hobby of riding
  • 4. He/she is willing to meet the regular expenses of riding, expenses for outdoor ride, purchase of driving gears and other clothing of riding made compulsory by AIRM time to time.
  • 5. He/she is not involved in any anti-social activities and does not have a criminal background.
  • 6. Holding all the valid licenses and documents of his/her vehicle.
  • 7. He/she is a citizen of India. He/she owns his/her personal bike for riding. However, in exceptional cases, borrowing/hiring a bike is his/her choice.
  • 8. Dual membership: A biker may maintain membership with any other riding group, subject to the condition that he will have to decide which is his/her primary group. This is to avoid any conflict of interest at the time of a clash of the date of the ride. He/she will be obliged to ride with AIRM if the primary membership is with AIRM.
  • 8. Dual membership: A biker may maintain membership with any other riding group, subject to the condition that he will have to decide which is his/her primary group. This is to avoid any conflict of interest at the time of a clash of the date of the ride. He/she will be obliged to ride with AIRM if the primary membership is with AIRM.
  • 8. Dual membership: A biker may maintain membership with any other riding group, subject to the condition that he will have to decide which is his/her primary group. This is to avoid any conflict of interest at the time of a clash of the date of the ride. He/she will be obliged to ride with AIRM if the primary membership is with AIRM.
  • 9. Guest rider: A member is permitted to bring a guest rider once a month. The member will ensure that the guest rider is riding a bike with all safety gear and with valid documents for his/her bike. The member will ensure that the guest rider has signed an affidavit before starting the ride.
  • 10. Temporary membership: Temporary membership may be given to a new rider for a period of two months or two rides, i.e., one local and one outstation overnight ride at the cost of Rs 500 as the TM fee. Riding expenses (if any) are extra. This may be changed by governing authorities at any time. Subsequently, if a temporary member is provided regular membership, his/her initial payment may be adjusted against his/her regular membership fee.
  • 11. Any rider to refrain himself/herself from any in-house group political activity. He/she is bound to pay due respect to all riders and treat everyone with kindness.


A). Any member can be suspended for the time decided by the governing body without notice to any rider who violated the rules & regulations of the club.

B). AIRM can plan any social activity which is required as a call for state or nation.

C). Rider to pay a sum of Rs 200 per month as a late fee if he/she fails to deposit the yearly membership fee. Registration period will be from Jan to Dec of every year.

D). An undertaking will be given by all members to follow the riding & club rules of the AIRM group.

E). A form will be filled by the member who will have the data of the Driving license, vehicle, home address, details of NOK (Next of Kin) which will be essential with his/her contact number. A minimum of two contact numbers is essential to cover emergencies. Details will be maintained in the file of AIRM's office and website.

F). Details of registered Rider will also be uploaded on the site of AIRM.

G). Riding is a choice of an individual, but to show his/her affiliation with the group of AIRM, it is obligatory for a Rider to be part of Rides in one calendar year of an average of 30%. However, the governing body is authorized to take a lenient view on a case-by-case basis.

H). The governing body will plan the ride on average once a month as a one-day ride and may plan one or two night-out rides, subject to weather conditions.

I). All efforts will be made by the governing body to coordinate and search for new areas of interest.

J). All members may suggest new areas to explore the rides, but it will be the moral responsibility of the governing body to take care of all the contingencies while planning the ride.

K). It will be mandatory for a member to use the safety gears, correct documentation of the Bike as DL (Driving License), pollution, and insurance. Riders should ensure a properly powered bike to be used while going out on the Ride to match the speed of the group. For membership, a minimum of a 150 cc bike is a must.

L). A rider will be fully responsible for his/her safety during a ride. AIRM is nowhere accountable for any mishappenings during any ride. The rider is responsible for informing his/her family members about his/her ride plan and may share a few important riding members' contact numbers. At any stage, AIRM society will not be responsible for the loss of any life/limb of any rider or by any of his/her acts to any other person or property of private/government organization.

M). A WhatsApp group will be made by the governing authorities to update and plan any ride. Details will be shared among all members from time to time. This platform will be used only for ride-related matters. Riders will not post anything after 11.30 PM; however, SOS or any emergency may use this group at any time. Any defaulter will be suspended for the first time for 24 hours by the governing authority, and for the second time, 48 hours. Suspended members will not be allowed to take part in any ride or gathering arranged by AIRM. An exception is when the ride is planned for the next day; the group can be active all night before the ride.

N). Ride-related guidelines will be given by the Ride Planning Team as and when the ride is planned. Riders should read carefully and clarify any doubts from any of the members of the concerned team or any admins.

O). A rider should not involve in any hate speech or bullying towards any juniors and should respect all religions, cultures, and genders. Mutual trust is required among group members, and one should keep the matter of the group inside the group. He should be helpful to other members all the time in need, may be on a ride or otherwise.

P). While using social media, he is supposed to take due care not to post any language or article that may hurt anyone's sentiments. All such actions will make him liable to be expelled or suspended from the group.

Q). A help system for society will be developed under the banner of The Ministry Bike Riding Club. This will be amicably funded by the club & riders as per their will. No compulsion will be on this subject. It will be decided among the group how best this fund can be used. Preference will be given to provide help for education to the poor section and social emergencies of society.